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Thank you to all society members who voted in the recent election for the ISAL board of directors.

We are very pleased to confirm (a little belatedly) that the following candidates received the most votes and have therefore been elected (or re-elected) to the ISAL board, listed in alphabetical order:

  • Alyssa Adams
  • Manuel Baltieri
  • Emily Dolson (re-elected)
  • Lana Sinapayen (re-elected)
  • Keisuke Suzuki
  • Anya Vostinar
  • Olaf Witkowski (re-elected)

Note that seven candidates were elected rather than the anticipated six because an existing board member (Acacia Ackles) stepped down from her role during the election process. The winning candidates have now joined the continuing board members to form the society’s new board of directors.

We extend a warm welcome to our new board members. We also thank all other candidates who stood in the election for their enthusiasm and dedication to the society. Finally, we would like to say a big thank you to our outgoing board members, Acacia Ackles, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Hiroyuku Iizuka and Steen Rasmussen for their dedicated service to the society during their terms of office.