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We are pleased to announce that John Rieffel has accepted an invitation to join the ISAL board of directors. John will spearhead the society’s drive to expand its educational outreach activities over the coming years.

We are pleased to announce that John Rieffel (Union College, NY) has accepted an invitation to join the ISAL board of directors. John will spearhead the society’s drive to expand its educational outreach activities over the coming years.

At a board meeting held on 8 November 2013, new officers were also elected. Inman Harvey becomes Vice President of the society, René Doursat becomes Secretary and Josh Bongard becomes Treasurer.

Mark Bedau was re-elected as President for another term of office.

We welcome John to the board, and Inman, René and Josh to their new roles. We also extend a big thank you to Hiroki Sayama, who steps down from the role of Secretary, for all of his hard work over his term of office, and to Mark for his continuing dedication to the vitality and growth of the society.